About Sarha's

How we run

We provide intellectual development for the growing brain in an innovative e-learning environment. Here at Sarah’s, a structured, balanced, and well-planned platform is provided to the students by an exceedingly well-trained staff. Our aim is to apply the Early Years Foundation framework, fostering to every child’s unique personality by identifying their needs and providing additional support according to the way the child views the world around him. We value and respect all children and their families equally. Therefore, we like to build a positive relationship with the children in a homely, welcoming, and sensitive environment where teaching them how to be caring towards the needs of others is taught through example. We work tirelessly to incorporate independence and good character in our students, which leads to active learning and critical thinking skills suited to the 21st century. 

We care for every child as a special individual and enhance their learning experience by using modern electric teaching methodologies.

Through this unique method, children are supported to reach an advanced level of thinking. By studying considering the international standard for their age, our students are best prepared to succeed in an increasingly global community.

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The reason

What makes us different?

We believe that a child can better depict the outcomes of future, so if they are allowed to explore the world in a positive and right direction, they can lead the world and be an asset for their country.  We give our children the skills essential to rebound from setbacks and pave the way to success. Our most important task is to make sure all our youngsters can achieve their dreams.

We are a one-form school that favors personalized attention, with excellent coordination between the teaching staff, the department heads and the school’s psycho-pedagogy department. We analyze and accompany every one of our students throughout their school life in order to understand their needs, know their potential and stimulate their educational curiosity. We educate our students for practical life and that is why, apart from teaching, we are an institution that is convinced that we must learn as a community in an environment of respect, solidarity, and dialogue.

We cater to every child based on their way of     viewing the world around them.  Lessons are tailored to help bring out their optimum potential. Teachers give devoted attention and time to each student, so no aspect of their learning c a n g o   unnoticed. From development of skills to academic learning each child’s progress and learning is individually monitored.  

Phonic awareness starts from our Playgroup 1 and continues to be grow more advanced and complex each year. Phonic sounds, phonic blending and phonic rules are taught to the children over time. We use synthetic phonic blending to teach children how to read. Synthetic phonics program has proved to show much better results both for reading and spellings and gives students greater confidence than other methods.

Self-reading and interactive story telling takes place on a daily consistent basis to entail a love for reading in them.

The early year’s foundations are designed to help students in practical understanding and learning how to work together as a team.  Project work enables students to use their critical thinking and communicative skills and ask questions to further understand and reason towards one common goal.  It is a method of developing children’s personal and social skills by encouraging collaboration with others.  It provides a meaningful context for children to practice their literacy and numeracy skills by promoting sustainable thinking and sharing of ideas throughout the project in their investigation where they will also discuss and debate giving the children the freedom to learn according to their individual needs, interests, aptitudes and abilities.

At Sarah’s we follow the Kumon system of teaching. By studying the Math and English programs, our students develop independent learning skills and increased self-confidence as they work out how to overcome challenges by themselves.

They learn discipline and better concentration and attention skills from self-study. The Kumon framework is designed to inculcate discipline and a strong work ethic in children, which will stay with them for a long time. Kumon promotes self-motivation and self-directed learning through positive reinforcement in children. Kumon aims for each child to become an independent, advanced learner, with a positive attitude towards education.

Our small class sizes enhance the learning environment to benefit each child’s experience and challenge them in a positive way. Providing the teachers an opportunity to build vocabulary and enhance a rich learning experience for every child while they are experiencing lessons which are customized in accordance to the way they learn.  Right and left brained learning are important dynamics which are monitored and enhanced so that no child is left behind, and everyone is working at his or her own pace in order to build confidence and stronger mastery of basic knowledge and skills.  For enhancing good character and strong leadership skills it is important that educators focus on creativity and scholarly work, not cutting out the nature of each person to suite their curriculum but design curriculum to suit each personality.

Manipulatives require that a child can use objects to build, weigh, move, order, turn or arrange to fit into a design which is useful to the purpose of their play.  As play is the work of children, it is important to note that allowing the freedom of exploration cultivates ingenuity and creativity.  This is also called, child led play or pragmatism, learning through experience, trial, and error.

Creative development is important for enhancing originality, self-expression and problem-solving skills exceeding the outlook of multidimensional ways of perceiving individual ideas. We encourage critical thinking as it creates an inventive mindset from the early years. Children are encouraged to express their perception of the world to their little hearts’ content.

Social skills play a crucial role in a child’s emotional health and well-being for the rest of their lives. Teachers play a vital role in directing children’s etiquette and proper social behaviors of interpersonal relationships, understanding ownership, self-restraint, sharing and empathy for living things and friends which helps in molding a child’s character into adulthood.

Children who are exposed to a greater amount of general knowledge, languages, and vocabulary between the ages of 2 through 6 years have the potential to master multiple languages without making a conscious effort. Our linguistic enrichment program leaves the children with a much stronger vocabulary and helps with self- expression.

Using the exploratory approach of instruction, a teacher guides the children into reasoning and encourages investigation to discover and learn using the materials at hand.  The students create their own paths, instead of following oral dictation via instruction.  Rather than forcing children to “announce” the answers as written in history, math, and language books, at Sarah’s we provide them with the opportunity to discover the answers on their own and develop enriching learning experiences.  In the stenographer model of educating, an instructor diminishes creativity and critical thinking skills.  This causes children to be classified as daydreamers and over time inapt to question how things work, the limitations an object may have and why it does what it does.

Equally important to mental development is the age appropriate physical development. We can divide physical development exercises at school focused on fine motor skills and gross motor skills development. Sarah’s staff is highly trained and equipped for the development of each skill sets in young children. Fine motor skills are          necessary for a person to be able to engage in smaller, more precise movements, using the hands and fingers. Gross motor skills require less precision than fine motor skills to perform. Children continue to refine and improve their gross motor skills through ages 2 to 7 and beyond.

Teachers focus on exercises to strengthen hand and finger muscles in the early years using numerous techniques. Techniques include but are not limited to  pre-writing exercises, different materials that help strengthen small muscles such as knob cylinders, various different activities such as playdough exercises, painting, colouring, small world play, cutting, pasting, drawing, etcetera. At Sarah’s Formal writing begins from Foundation stage 1.

We emphasize on healthy eating and healthy living. To do so we give the concept of food groups to children at an incredibly young age and encourage parents to send healthy wholesome meals for children from home.

We offer swimming and believe it is an important tool in physical growth and development of all children as it is a full body exercise which enhances cardiovascular enrichment.  We also have a kid’s gym, so children grow in understanding the importance of exercise and living a healthy lifestyle at a tender age.

Problem solving and reasoning is a skill that children start learning at our preschool through numerous amounts of exercises and activities and games. The trial and error learning at this stage of life helps build strong mathematical foundations for the future. Problem solving is an interesting and enjoyable way to learn mathematics with a greater understanding, produce positive attitudes towards math, teaches reason, critical thinking, flexibility, general problem-solving skills and encourages cooperative skills.

There are several simple yet effective confidence building activities for children that are incorporated as part of our curriculum. Research shows that confident children are better able to deal with responsibility, challenges, and frustrations. We believe in giving children choices. Too many boundaries usually result in children with low self-image. Praise, task assignment, positive self-talk, Show and tell are some of the few confidence building exercises practiced in our environment. Show and tell is one of the exercises which not only builds confidence but also helps overcome stage fright, learn presentation and delivery skills, and builds imagination and creative thinking skills in a child at a young age.

Co-curricular refers to activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school. There are activities such as, Show and Tell, Spelling competitions, participation in International Kangaroo Linguistic and Mathematics competitions, creative writing competitions, role plays etc. that enhance their learning as well as help create a sense of competition and entertainment in students.

Research has also shown that there are many benefits to children participating in recreational activities. Recreational activities include trips to various places within the city which might be parks, play areas, monuments, museums, important offices such as post offices, dry fruit stores etc. Children going on trips collectively with their peers helps them build creativity, better social skills, increased independence, and environmental awareness, just to name a few benefits. Trips are regularly scheduled during our academic year.

The audio-visual aids do not only help children to build a strong learning base, but it also enhances a teacher’s ability to present the lesson in simple, effective, and easy to understand way. Audiovisual material makes learning more permanent since students use more than one sense. Our aim is better and vaster brain growth of the children (2years – 6years). When several senses of a child are used at the same time the brain grows faster than if only one sense, that traditionally is just the sense of hearing, is used during teaching. We use multiple aids such as flashcards, realia items, tape recorder with speakers, hot dots, certain educational apps on touch screens, tactile boards, olfactory bottles and smart boards to name a few items that are used to assist in teaching children in a smarter way. 

Good teachers are the key to your child’s development and success. Our exemplary and dynamic teachers are highly qualified and experienced in the field of education.

We, at Sarah’s, regularly hold training sessions for our teachers conducted by international trainers in order to refresh the scheme of studies and to ignite a new zeal and passion for modern ways of teaching. Not only does it equip them in applying useful tools and modern technology into their teaching but also helps them enhance their teaching styles. It trains them to face the challenges in the field of education in the 21st century. Our teachers are extremely enthusiastic and passionate about education.  They are respectful to every child and focus on their individual needs in order to build and bring about a greater impact.

Why you will love us

Giving Children the foundation they need to excel academically, socially, and emotionally. Multiplying intelligence and letting thoughts nourishing and grow with guided teaching