Daycare Registration

Welcome to the best Daycare In Town

General Policies Guidelines


Authorized person;

Staff will not allow your child to leave with anyone other than the authorized person (authorized person details to be added in registration form)


Daycare starts at 9am. Early Birds will be accepted from 8:30am. Please inform the daycare to report an absence.


Late pickup timings are 6:30pm. We understand that occasional delays can occur and will be charged accordingly.


Parents are responsible for seeing that the child has a nourishing breakfast before arriving. However, children are made to do breakfast sent from home between 8:30am and 9:30am if needed. (Meal Plan option is available, kindly contact reception for more details)

Morning Snack / Lunch / Evening Snacks:

 Boxes and bottles need to be clearly labeled along with written details.

Spare Bottles:

Both milk and water bottles need to be clearly labelled. Number of bottles sent to school need to be one more than the number of feeds the child takes in each day.


At our daycare we promote healthy eating habits. It is requested that your child does not bring food which contains too much sugar and is too much processed. Chocolates, crisps and packaged juices are strictly not allowed. Food according to age is recommended.

Spare Clothing:

Each child should have a spare change of clothing sent at the start of the week which will remain at the daycare in case of an emergency or keep an extra pair of clothing in the child’s diaper bag at all times. Children’s belongings need to be clearly labelled. 


Dress your child in simple, comfortable, and weather appropriate clothes and footwear. The clothes might become stained due to painting at times although full care would be taken to avoid stains. 

Diapers and accessories:

Please provide adequate number of diapers, wipes and bibs with your child. Any other accessories used by the child, e.g. lotions, powders, any special hand wash, need to be labelled and sent with the child. Please drop-off your child with a clean diaper and we will hand over your child the same way. You are responsible to replace the diaper(s) incase they are used from the daycare.


Your child’s birthday is a very important day for celebration. Parents are allowed to come to the daycare to celebrate their child’s birthday with their friends. They can bring in a cake and goodie bags if they wish.

Cleanliness and Hygiene:

We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals and after using the toilet. Parents are required to send a small drying towel for their child. All employees are required to wash their hands frequently and also use antibacterial gel.

Infants sleep in separate cribs or pack and plays, with clean sheets used only by them. Beginning at toddler age, washable nap mats are used. Labelling ensures that only one child uses the same bed, blanket and pillow.

Children use separate cups, plates, bowls and eating utensils that have been thoroughly washed. High chair trays, etc. are disinfected after each use. We disinfect toilet seats between each use. The staff sanitizes hands before and after every change.


Discipline Policy:

We use positive and negative reinforcement to discipline which encourage self-control, self-direction, self-esteem and co-operation. Any physical or emotional punishment is prohibited. Discipline usually means providing a space to calm down. Other approaches are:

  • Providing natural consequence
  • Talking to the child to help correct the misbehavior
  • Separating the child from the activity being disrupted
  • Holding a conference with the parents, to collaborate on positive solutions.

Hitting, biting and snatching are unacceptable behaviours in the environment. The parents need to counsel their children and correct their behavior at home.


Each child must be immunized. Since regulations require daily outdoor play for each child, it is our policy that a child that is too ill to fully participate remains at home. If a child becomes ill or has a fever during the day, the parent is contacted and are requested to keep the children at home till the child is completely fever free for 24 hours. Emergency contact information must be up to date at all times, and a contact person must be available to take the call in an emergency. Children will return only with a signed approval from health-care giver.

Sick Child Policy:

Under no circumstances may a parent bring a sick child to daycare. Sick children will expose all children and staff members to illness who they come in contact with. Sick children want care from their parents in the comfort of their own homes.

Every effort is taken to reduce the spread of illness by encouraging hand washing and other sanitary practices (see Cleanliness and Hygiene).

Children will be visually screened when they arrive in the morning. In the event a child becomes ill and needs to be picked up, the parent(s) will be called and are expected to come pick the child up within one hour (60 minutes). If the parent(s) cannot be reached, or have not arrived within an hour, the emergency contact person will be called and asked to come pick the child up.

For the benefit of our staff and other children in our care, a sick child will not be permitted to return to care for 24 hours after condition has returned to normal. The child may return 24 - 48 hours (depending upon the illness) after they have received the first dose of an antibiotic. If a child receives an antibiotic for an ear infection, he/she may return to day care immediately if he/she has been free of other symptoms mentioned for at least 24 hours. If you aren't sure about whether or not to bring your child to care, please call your onsite doctor to discuss it. Allergy related symptoms, and non-communicable illnesses do not require exclusion if you have a note from your doctor.

Symptoms requiring removal of child from day care

  • Fever: Fever is defined as having a temperature of 100°F or higher taken under the arm, 101°F taken orally, or 102°F taken rectally. For children 4 months or younger, the lower rectal temperature of 101°F is considered a fever threshold; (a child needs to be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to daycare, that means the child is fever free without the aid of Tylenol®, or any other fever reducing substance.)
  • Fever AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion.
  • Diarrhea: runny, watery, bloody stools, or 2 or more loose stools within last 4 hours.
  • Vomiting: 2 or more times in a 24 hour period. Note: please do not bring your child if they have vomited in the night.
  • Breathing trouble, sore throat, swollen glands, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing.
  • Runny nose (other than clear), draining eyes or ears.
  • Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that resemble childhood diseases, including ringworm.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than we can provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in our care.

Medication Procedures:

There are certain instances when it becomes necessary for children to take medication during daycare hours so the Daycare must follow specific procedures for dispensing medication to children during daycare hours. This is necessary for the protection of the child as well as the person giving the medication. The daycare facilitates the parents in administering the correct written doses of medicines given by the parents. The children are also nebulized on request.

  • Only prescribed medication will be administered.
  • All bottles or containers must be labeled properly e.g., name of child, name of medicine, time and dosage.
  • A daily record will keep track of all dispensed medication.
  • No medication will be left at the daycare.
  • It is the parent’s duty to notify the daycare when medication has been discontinued.
  • It is the parent’s duty to notify the daycare when a child’s medication has been changed. A new medication sheet must be filled out.
  • Medication must be given to the staff directly as it cannot be kept in the cubby area.


Medical Emergencies:

Minor bumps and scratches are inevitable, but we make every effort to keep the children safe through supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries receive appropriate first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs, you will be contacted as soon as possible. If necessary, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital where you will be asked to meet us. If you are not going to be at your usual place of employment, or at home, please make sure that we have a number where you can be reached.

Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation, if required. The owners of Sarah’s Playgroup, will not be held liable for any sickness/injury of either parent/guardian or child while on these premises

Release Policies:

Children will be released only to the parent or official guardian. Parents are advised to request this in a written note to the supervisor. Prior informing by parents is required and signed ID card copy of the parent is necessary to be carried by the person coming to pickup the child incase the person is not authorized to pickup the child.

Toilet Training:

When you feel your child is ready for toilet teaching, we request that you begin this teaching at home during a weekend or vacation and inform us. We will follow through and encourage your child while in our care. The child must be showing signs of readiness. The child must be kept in pull-ups or 5-ply training pants at all times. Putting a child in diapers part time, and training pants part time, can be confusing and delay the training process. Therefore, we may continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, as well) and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement. Parents need to supply training pants with plastic pants or pull-ups, plus a couple of extra changes of clothing each day. During toilet training, the child must be dressed in "user friendly" clothing. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses.


  1. All fee are non-refundable once paid
  2. Fee must be paid for the full month irrespective of illness, absence or early withdrawal.
  3. Fee bills are given out at least one week before the due date. It is the parents' responsibility to check with the playgroup in case the bill has not been received.
  4. Late payment fines are payable without any concessions. Please note that not receiving the fee bill will not be considered a reason for delayed payments.
  5. Payments after due date shall be accepted with late fee of 10% of the total amount.
  6. In case of withdrawal, a written application must reach the playgroup at least 15 days before the next fee is due.
  7. Payments made through cheques have to be paid ten working days before the due date.
  8. In case of delay in cheque clearance, late fee will be added, in the next fee bill.
  9. Late Pickup will be charged @ PKR 250 per 15 mins. This fee is to be paid directly to the caretaker that must stay back after hours.


The management of Sarah's Playgroup reserves the right to revise the fee structure as and when required or change any of the above rules.