- All fee are non-refundable once paid
- Fee must be paid for the full month irrespective of illness, absence or early withdrawal.
- Fee bills are given out at least one week before the due date. It is the parents' responsibility to check with the playgroup in case the bill has not been received.
- Late payment fines are payable without any concessions. Please note that not receiving the fee bill will not be considered a reason for delayed payments.
- Payments after due date shall be accepted with late fee of 10% of the total amount.
- In case of withdrawal, a written application must reach the playgroup at least 15 days before the next fee is due.
- Payments made through cheques have to be paid ten working days before the due date.
- In case of delay in cheque clearance, late fee will be added, in the next fee bill.
- Late Pickup will be charged @ PKR 250 per 15 mins. This fee is to be paid directly to the caretaker that must stay back after hours.
The management of Sarah's Playgroup reserves the right to revise the fee structure as and when required or change any of the above rules.